Monday, September 24, 2012


Welcome to the Tiny Little Drawing club! 
This will be a collection of drawings, thoughts, images... sort of an online sketchbook to keep me one my toes in order to make good on a few promises that I've made to myself. First of all I am trying to improve my drawing skills and secondly I am very interested in researching surface pattern design and if it is possible to make it in the pattern world when you live in a small icelandic town. 

So, I've been taking this class (Module 1) and I can highly recommend it to all creative types that are interested in surface pattern design. The exercises are very well constructed and there is a lot of info and inspiration. 

Above you see motifs that are on their way to become a pattern. Illustrated from a collection of mini cactuses. Motifs are everywhere. 

Don't worry, I won't be this verbal in the future, mostly pictural (I know thats not a word, but I like it!)

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